How to create a cabaret show by singer impersonator Christina Bianco

In part two of my interview with singer impersonator Christina Bianco we talk technical about how she creates her shows and balances giving the audience what they want with giving them something new.

The right shape or arc of the show is what makes it different to just singing a bunch of songs. As Christina says, “I definitely try to have a variety in my shows. The flow and paving of the show is more important than the flow. If you have amazing numbers but they are put together in a lousy order... you might as well not do them – then it's just someone standing and singing pretty which is lovely for a concert but not for a true cabaret. The audiences likes to get to know you and the more they get to know you the more they appreciate your songs.”

When scripting a show she starts with a theme then bullet points of the songs. The patter evolves at the same time. Christina does like to use a kind of template or framework for her shows, but she keeps it very flexible.

Christina does have a remarkable voice. I was interested how she takes care of herself, especially during a long run like Edinburgh. Yes, she does warm up every day, no she doesn't warm down. She avoids alcohol, gets plenty of sleep, drinks water all the time and avoids noisy places after her show. Boring, but important.

You can see Christina with her on show Party of One at London's Hipperdrome 5-7 September and in Forbidden Broadway at the Chocolate Factory in London 9 September – 22 November.

Recorded in Edinburgh on 20th August 2014


Singer impersonator Christina Bianco on Divallusion at the Edinburgh Fringe


New York's Stacy Sullivan on the art of cabaret