Mark Halliday - Performer and Producer explains how to create successful acts for cruise ships

I first met Mark during our time in the West End's Rat Pack. He talks about the challenges of building a career in show business without the benefit musical training, the image of working on cruise ships, creating his own solo act and ultimately producing his own hit shows. Mark's a great sport and his candour makes this interview special. He's very honest about the challenges of performing his own solo show and happy to share what he learned from his mistakes. Issues with lighting, rehearsing with the band, general preparation and so.

We talk about how lonely it can be working away on cruise ships – something that's not often discussed but a real issue for many entertainers.

Mark is currently juggling his time between performing in the West End's Jersey Boys and running own production company, Veritas Entertainment. Business is exceeding all expectations, especially one of this shows Viva Voce (aka Crescendo). He sums up the secret of its success in a few words, “We manage to find a way in 45 minutes to include every possible section of the audience.” The show includes Spanish, Italian, jokes, audience participation, pop songs, opera and so on. With his background in sales Mark knew the first step was the ask, “What do people want to buy right now?” and then create a show based on that.

Mark's a real success story. He proves that with enough self belief, perseverance, good money sense and a strong work ethic you can create something special.

Check out his shows show here, or contact him on Twitter.

Recorded in London 29th August 2013.


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